Safest method to observe fetal and maternal condition in antenatal.
4-5 scans are useally advised.
1 st scan (6-8 weeks )
- Detects pregnancy, turns pregnancy , multiple pregnancy
- Exact age
- Internal bleeding
2 nd scan ( 11-13 weeks )
- Detects spinal cord defects
- Neck thickness to rule out
- Downs syndrome preseace of nasal bone
3 rd scan ( 18-20 weeks) ( It is most important scan)
It shows all organs and their development . Any anamaly present can be detected
at this stage.
TIFFA- Target imaging for fetal ananalies.
4 th scan (33 weeks)
It shows the growth of fetus and anatomy , placenta praera can be detected, loop
around fetus neck and many other things
5 th scan (38 weeks)
Cord around neck engagement and cord around neck
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